‘Waddling seemed, at times, to be the main form of conveyance.’.‘Various brain regions are connected in the same way as they are in humans and identical neurotransmitters are employed in conveyance of data.’.‘The boat was the main mode of conveyance for Achill islanders for more than a century and was used to transport goods, building materials and turf too and from the island.’.‘Public modes of conveyance should be modernised.’.‘‘Do not scare others unless you want to be scared by them’ ‘Remember the car is for conveyance and not killing.’’.‘His outrage notwithstanding, he is a regular passenger on the southbound train It is the only affordable means of conveyance to and from his hometown.’.‘One is the harvesting and conveyance of water from the water source, the river typically in the Murray-Darling system, and how much water is lost through soakage and evaporation and so on, just to get it to the farm gate.’.‘The classic Volkswagen bus is a versatile beast - hippies, surfers, nuns, hot rodders and fruit-peddlers have all used the big, slow veedub as their primary means of conveyance.’.