Analyze a movement with a set of well-defined stillshots.Import stillshots from an existing video:.Display the serie name and unit name in one click.More formatting options of the built-in graph.Import External data streams (Pro S only) Voice notes can be played on and on Dartfish Express (iOS only).Share your analysis on a more engaging way than a wall of text.
Add an audio commentary to a stillshot in the montage.
"Export as new montage" also keeps the video drawings. Fixed an issue when publishing rotated videos. Fixed an issue when editing in and out points of events in Replay workspace. Increased maximum width of a StroMotion panorama. Thickness of the angle drawing tool can be modified. Visual feedback when tagging (enable the advanced option "Show notifications over the video"). You can now open montages even if some of the videos are missing. Improved experience when opening a montage with missing video links. #NOTEAPP EXPORTING CSV MOVIE#
Use the Make Movie themes to add engaging overlays. Share highlights with a broader audience. Publish events in one click on the Telegram instant messenging software. Publish game highlights on Telegram (Pro S only) Use the descriptions and keywords from your montage items in the title slides. Events received through DLC sessions receive the correct color. Fixed UI bug when hovering the mouse on the Zone Tool in the tagging panel. Fixed crash when exporting montages locally as multiple videos. Customize the sample duration and/or frequency to other values than 0.01s/100Hz. Automatically synchornize data from csv files with video time at import. Live capture is not the only way to create multi-view files anymore. Set a synchronization point to the videos to synchronize them.
Expand the title bar to add view(s) to a single video to create a multi-view document in Replay. The other publishing possibilities still upload single view videos. The multi-view option ned to be enabled on the channel. In the event pane, Export&Share > Share Video > will create a multi-view documents on the channel. Run this while tagging in Live or Replay. #NOTEAPP EXPORTING CSV MANUAL#
Manual rules are applied to the current selection of events. Automatic Rules are based on the events' keywords, title, description or color. Automatically process your events to export them or add them to a montage. Create your own Print Theme to customize the printed version and adjust the layout and content to what meet best your needs. The printed montage includes thumbnails, titles and descriptions of each montage item and Still Shot. Starting from March 2022, updates are released in the Dartfish 2022 software. Modified on: Mon, 14 Mar, 2022 at 9:22 AM Solution home Release Notes Release Notes Dartfish 10 Release Notes